hypnotherapy for wasp phobia.
We are not born with a fear of wasps, officially known as spheksophobia.
Or any other phobias.
Most people have no need to fear wasps here in the UK because they are not typically an existential threat. Some people are allergic to wasp stings, and that's an understandable fear. But most of us can tolerate a sting without a serious reaction.
Phobias are often unhelpful lessons we learned when we were growing up.

Unfortunately, for some people, just the sound of a wasp nearby can trigger a fight / flight response. Raising stress levels to the point where you have to run away.
Your logical brain can see that it's just a tiny insect - but your subconscious cannot.
Then life changes and you have an urgent need to address the phobia and face your fears. Maybe you've now got children and you have to be the one who lets the wasp out the window.
I can help.
As you and I work together, my job is to remove the reason your subconscious mind is telling you that wasp is an equivalent threat level as a sabre-toothed tiger.
How I work.
We'll meet for a free consultation. Designed for us to get to know one another.
I'll make notes and ask you a variety of questions to help me work out how best to help you.
We'll also complete a short series of exercises.
The exercises will help us decide if we are able to work together - to change the thoughts and behaviours that are holding you back.
Providing we both agree that we're a good match? We'll put three separate sessions into our diaries.
Each session won't last more than an hour, and the sessions are usually one week apart.
Let us fix your wasp phobia together.
You have nothing to lose with a free consultation.
And everything to gain.